Our Process
How Our Process Works
Click on the Get Started link above. Our user-friendly system will walk you through creating an account.
You will be given a choice of two payment options. You may pay the fee in full and receive a $25 discount or you pay the deposit, which is half of the fee, and then pay the remaining half when you approve the draft.
You will then be asked to create your cart account and complete your payment information. You will see a confirmation page that will thank you for your payment, and ask you to send us your information. This is a link to our interview form. At the end of the interview, you will create a separate login to allow you to view your submission, communicate with your writer, upload documents, and download your drafts and supporting documents.
It will typically take 3 to 7 business days to complete a draft. It could take slightly longer depending on how many orders are ahead of you. The "blueprint" of the draft will be e-mailed to you through the system. Upon responding to the editors' recommendations, any questions he or she may have, and adding anything you may wish to, we will do a revision. You may either approve it or continue working with the editor to tweak it. We require all communication and revisions by email through our system to accommodate a paper trail through proofing. Upon your approval of the draft, and we know we have good content; we will use the resume information to customize the supporting documents, which include a cover letter and thank you* letter for you.
You will receive, for immediate access, the resume in 3 formats (.docx, .pdf, .txt), thank you, and a cover letter customized to your resume. The PDF file should be used for emailing your resume directly to anyone when you want to send a secure document. The text file is used for copying/pasting your resume to job boards, etc. The pdf and Word docx's can be uploaded to online applications and job boards. The Word doc is an editable file, so that you may keep your resume updated or make changes, such as replacing a telephone number or email address. We recommend that you keep your resume updated. The cover and thank you letters will be in Word doc format so that you may use them as needed. (Please see our comment about using the thank you letter.)
We recommend saving your files to a flash drive or CD for future use.
*Thank you letters should never be emailed. We recommend that you take advantage of this important tool in your job search process. By posting a thank you letter to your interviewer, you are accomplishing several things. You are demonstrating: 1) courtesy; 2) that you follow up; and 3) you have effectively brought your name back in front of the interviewer, who must now find and file your thank you letter. Second interviews have often been brought about through a reviewer recalling applicant information.
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